26 February 2010

Spammers beware

I know most of you are nice people, and that some of you have a hearing-impairment.
C'est la Vie.

There is however one among our number who has decided to take it upon him or herself to post messages of hope. Those messages contain links to other websites which are somewhat unsavoury.

You might ask why someone would take it upon themselves to do that. Why would they willingly vandalise someone's blog which is only really here for the amusement, information and community for deaf people the world over. I don't know either.

Rest assured, should it happen again they will be reported to the Blogger admin, who I'm sure look upon this kind of activity not very favourably.
Right now, I know they look like they are posting from the United States but I'm sure that that can be faked. They could be posting from anywhere in the world. The postings are made in chinese but that doesn't mean the poster is chinese.

For now, I won't be turning off the ability to post a comment but I will be leaving moderation firmly ON.


  1. These comments re 'hope' are nothing more or less than adverts for some service or other they want to take, they found Bloggers and Facebook and even twitter a ready-made in to millions of potential customers, there should be banns on links to commercial interests in the deaf or HoH area, I understand deaf.read takes this very pro-actively.

    However if they come via comments it's down to you. It's a pity Blog providers do not operae an automatic block on advertising, but then, they would lose business, blogs are free to most, but who do you think pays for that ?

    Savvy commercial interests use the 'personal' approach to sell, they know a website can be blocked. Of course a number who contribute to blogs may be employees of firms too !

    Oh and I have NO Links to anything commercial and not selling anything !

  2. Thanx MM for your LEGITIMATE comment. I often wonder why people like this bother. It's not as though the links were visible or the products mentioned.
    And how many people take up these silly offers? Beats me
