08 May 2009

New Resources

In the light of failure by at least one cinema to provide adequate telecoil facilities I've been looking around for resources for deaf people.

The Australian Human Rights Commission [AHRC] has advice and forms for you to lodge a complaint for yourself or someone else being discriminated against

Forms are on this page <link>
or, this being the 21st century, you can lodge online or via email too.


National Relay Service
This is a great service whereby you can use text chat on your computer to make phone calls. The relay officer does the talking for you! Several different forms, depends how you communicate, whether you can speak but not hear or vice-versa. I've have found it a life-saver. Stay tuned - there may be a FaceBook-based user support group coming...

Cochlear Implant
An Australian success story. The first implant was performed on the 1st of August 1978. [I hope you're sitting down] 30 years to the day after I went 100% deaf! So, like, it was the last day of the 30th year. That is freaky!
Wikipedia page

Sydney Cochlear Implant Centre

Cochlear Implant - the animated movie

Deaf Village
Deaf websites and blogs from all over the world

If you're interested in AusLan check this site. Kind of like a dictionary, it shows the hand gestures. Click the links!

Deafness Forum of Australia
Resources, links elsewhere

Australian Tinnitus Association

Hearing Awareness Week NSW page
23 August 2008

Cochlear Awareness Network

CICADA [Cochlear Implant Club and Advisory Association]

YouTube Switch-On videos

Jennie's Story

Movies - Captioned cinemas


Rights and Complaints
Australian Human Right Commission
Make a complaint to the AHRC

Media Access
Captions [and complaints]

More cinemas captioned

As of 4 May 2009 there are more cinemas with captioned screening sessions

This brings the captioned cinemas in Sydney to a whopping [wait for it], 3!
Come on Dendy and Palace and mega Hoyts where the hell are you?!

07 May 2009

The Results are In Again

Today was my six month tune-up. Yes, six months - I can hardly believe it either.
So my 'exemplary' performance
Sentences, no sound -100%
Sentences, with sound - 55%
Words - 56% [average is 30%]

So, next tune-up in six more months and that's my first cochlear anniversary.

Posted with LifeCast

03 May 2009

First Cochlear-Equipped Plane Trip

I went to Melbourne to visit me bruvva. I was able to negotiate security after check-in on the web [no luggage, the only way to fly]

And, while there I was able to get around by fantastic tram. Several trips per day. Why did Sydney EVER get rid of trams?

My favourite café - Brunetti in Carlton [tram 1 from the city]

A successful trip.

Posted with LifeCast