The Australian Human Rights Commission [AHRC]
Forms are on this page <link>
or, this being the 21st century, you can lodge online or via email too.
Today was my six month tune-up. Yes, six months - I can hardly believe it either.
So my 'exemplary' performance
Sentences, no sound -100%
Sentences, with sound - 55%
Words - 56% [average is 30%]
So, next tune-up in six more months and that's my first cochlear anniversary.
Posted with LifeCast
I went to Melbourne to visit me bruvva. I was able to negotiate security after check-in on the web [no luggage, the only way to fly]
And, while there I was able to get around by fantastic tram. Several trips per day. Why did Sydney EVER get rid of trams?
My favourite café - Brunetti in Carlton [tram 1 from the city]
A successful trip.
Posted with LifeCast