23 October 2009

One year down, on 22 October

Can you believe it? I can't

It is now one year since the implant was implanted.

It has been a big year
  • Seven years and counting past treatment, no other news, which is good news
  • Switch-on of the cochlear implant
  • Speech-Reading
  • Appointed to the Better Hearing Committee
  • Let my house, living under the Reign of Tok
  • Made more pasta, more culinary triumphs
  • 'Round the world again [#4]
  • Finally got back to Europe - that's another blog. [highlights - Assisi, Paris]
  • San Francisco again [The coldest winter I ever spent was summer in SF. Mark Twain was right]
  • Sold my car - where are the smaller cheaper cars?
  • More blogging
  • Had too much time off

02 October 2009

Submit to the Senate inquiry into hearing health [Australia]

My submission
I went 100% deaf in 2008 and use a cochlear implant.
Hearing is a health issue just as sight is.
It should be covered by the Health department and Medicare, not Department of Ageing.
The issue of captions on TV should be a primary issue with the ACMA.
Health insurance for cochlear implants is charged at the highest rate. Why aren't they and hearing aids covered by Medicare and perhaps hearing aid and cochlea batteries a tax deduction? They should be.
Cochlear implants need to be insured as part of household goods, not as a special top-dollar one-off item.
There should be requirements for media outlets, TV and cinema in particular to maximise the access provided for those who can't use their existing facilities. The media outlets collect plenty of advertising revenue - they can cover the cost of captions on TV and audio loops in cinemas.
iView [internet media] needs to have captions NOW. No more delays. Other TV outlets too.
Make your views known
Send a message to this address

Or write to:
Committee Secretary
Senate Community Affairs References Committee
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra  ACT  2600

Submissions should be received by 9 October 2009.