04 September 2010

Six months with Number 2 [with results]

Now it's six months since number two was implanted and coming up to two years for number one.
Maybe I should give them names but they can't be names which means this one is better than that one, must be equal.

six months in and I attended the checkup session with Monica on Friday at SCIC

The Scoreboard

Sentences, no noise
100% - L + R
Sentences, + 10dB SNR
90% - L + R
84% - L + R
80% - R only
92% - L only
SNR - signal-to-noise ratio

We had to stop because there were people waiting for the soundproof booth [SCIC only has one booth - lobby to politicians being considered] and M said the results were so good there was not much point!
Problem is next time I have a checkup, I can only get a less-than result!! Oh the failure!


  1. thanks John - I gather 100% no noise is a good thing yes...? And I gather the hearing is coming on well but what about the wooziness?

  2. Good news, John. I hope they've settled-in well and the dizziness is gone now. How about Bib and Bub for names? Is that a gumnut in your ear or are you just pleased to see me?

  3. Actually Mr or Mrs Export, Bib and Bub are silly names and so I have settled on "the headgear" as the group name. Otherwise it's "this one" or "that one".

    And it's not quite dizziness, but the imbalance can lead to dizziness. Walking in the dark is an 'interesting' exercise.

    I don't ever have 100% silence- tinnitus sees to that!
