24 October 2008

Before and After Shots

Here is a shot of the rear of my right ear before the surgery. Hair cut especially short for the operation [sorry about the crap weather on Wednesday and Thursday - when I get a short haircut, the weather always turns nasty] 

Straight-on side shot - Nice and neat. I think it will come back to that, with a little bulge behind the ear, if others' experience is anything to go on.

Hi-ho, hi-ho it's off to the Op we go...
Let's see - got the booties, got the sack of gear in the pink bag. Very stylish.

Post-op. I woke up with this pillow attached to the side of me 'ead.
Bit out of it. Slept most of the next day.
Of course it's "the bed number of doom" but not of my choice.

Here's the aftermath. Not too bad a job. should tidy-up quite nicely and with a bit of hair you'll never notice it. There'll be a "hearing-aid" looking device there later, so you'll see that, although hair should cover that too.
Notice the purple dot on my ear-lobe - that means "This one, not the other one..."

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